Recipe: Appetizing Focaccia

Focaccia. Focaccia is a flat oven-baked Italian bread product similar in style and texture to pizza dough. Focaccia can be used as a side to many meals or as sandwich bread. Focaccia is a delicious Italian flat bread flavored with a extra-virgin olive oil, rosemary and flaky sea salt for the classic version.

Focaccia Save Recipe. (Chef’s Note: This may seem excessive, but focaccia is an oily crusted bread. This is why it is soooooooooo delicious!). This focaccia recipe is as fuss-free as bread recipes go. You can have Focaccia using 10 ingredients and 7 steps. Here is how you cook that.

Ingredients of Focaccia

  1. Prepare of Impasto.
  2. Prepare 1 tazza of d’acqua calda (110 f).
  3. It’s 3 cucchiai of olio d’oliva.
  4. You need 3 tazze of farina di pane non sbiancata o farina per tutti gli usi.
  5. You need 2 cucchiaini of sale.
  6. Prepare 5 cucchiaini of condimento italiano ammucchiati o rosmarino.
  7. You need 2 cucchiaini of lievito instantaneo o lievito secco attivo.
  8. Prepare of Opzionale:.
  9. It’s 3 cucchiai of olio d’oliva.
  10. It’s 1 cucchiaino of sale.

The dough comes together quickly in the This recipe leaves so much room for experimentation, too. I’ve been making so much focaccia at. Serve our rosemary focaccia alongside pasta dishes or enjoy with green salads. Make a simple, homemade version of this classic Italian bread.

Focaccia instructions

  1. Mescolare e impastare tutti gli ingredienti dell’impasto, a mano, fino a ottenere un impasto liscio ed elastico. Mettere l’impasto in una ciotola leggermente unta, girare per rivestire, coprire e lasciarlo lievitare per 1 1/2 ore, o fino a gonfiare..
  2. Stendilo per formare un rettangolo e trasferiscilo in una teglia, Pat l’impasto nella padella. Fai delle dentellature nell’impasto con la punta delle dita, a circa un pollice di distanza, e condisci con parsimonia olio d’oliva. Cospargere leggermente con il sale..
  3. Coprire la focaccia liberamente con un involucro di plastica unto e lasciare lievitare per 1/2 ora a 1 ora, o fino a gonfiare..
  4. Preriscaldare il forno a 450 ° F..
  5. Cuocere per 15-20 minuti o fino a quando non diventa leggermente dorato..
  6. Conservare sul bancone per 2 giorni o congelare fino a 3 mesi..
  7. Buon appetito 💁🏻‍♀️.

Serve our rosemary focaccia alongside pasta dishes. Focaccia is our favorite yeast-bread to make at home. It has a crisp outside and soft inside, and is All-purpose flour is perfect for making focaccia bread. You can use bread flour, but the bread will be a. An Italian olive-oil bread, quite flat and usually round or square-shaped.
